GRIPFILL™ XTRA Instant Grab Gap-Filling Adhesive

Features and benefits

EVO-STIK GRIPFILL™ XTRA adhesive is a multipurpose, high strength grab adhesive with all the qualities of the trusted GRIPFILL™, but with XTRA (and instant) grip, no slippage and no need for pinning!
GRIPFILL™ XTRA can be used indoors and outdoors (provided the bond is covered), with excellent gap-filling properties that accommodate uneven surfaces, and is resistant to both water and temperatures of up to 70°C.
Suitable materials: Wood, plasterboard, tiles, stone, metal, breeze blocks, bricks, ceramic, concrete, UPVC and more
Sizes: 350ml.
Coverage: Approx. 12m of a 6mm diameter bead per 350ml.
Frequently Asked Questions
EVO-STIK GRIPFILL™ XTRA has all the qualities of the trusted EVO-STIK GRIPFILL™, but has been specially formulated to prevent slippage, with a bond that grows stronger over time. This provides an instant hold that will stick virtually anything to anything without the need for pinning.
Porous surfaces such as plaster and fibre cement board should first be primed with Bostik PVA (diluted 1:5 with clean water) and allowed to dry thoroughly before EVO-STIK GRIPFILL™ XTRA is applied.
Where EVO-STIK GRIPFILL™ XTRA is used externally, the adhesive must be protected from driving rain, ponding water or permanently wet situations