GRIPFILL™ Gap-Filling Adhesive

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Features and benefits

Features and benefits

The nation's number 1 gap-filling adhesive
Superior final bond strength
Bonds to most building materials, including wood, plasterboard, tiles, stone, metal, breeze blocks, bricks, ceramic, concrete, UPVC and more
Ideal for use on uneven surfaces thanks to its gap- filling qualities
Suitable for vertical applications
Suitable for interior and exterior use (provided the bond is covered)

EVO-STIK GRIPFILL™ grab adhesive is a multipurpose, high-strength, solvent-based gap-filling adhesive, suitable for interior and exterior use (provided the bond is covered).

GRIPFILL™ sticks to almost any building material with an unbeatable final bond strength, and is ideal for use on even surfaces thanks to its gap-filling qualities. 

Suitable materials: Wood, plasterboard, tiles, stone, metal, breeze blocks, bricks, ceramic, concrete, UPVC and more.

Sizes: 350ml.

Coverage: Approx. 12m of a 6mm diameter bead per 350ml.


Frequently Asked Questions

In general a 6mm bead at 20°c will take 24hrs to be at its strongest. However, EVO-STIK GRIPFILL™ grab adhesive cures by the evaporation of the solvent and curing times will be affected by how thick the product is applied, the ambient temperature and the surfaces it is applied to.

For best results, apply a 6mm diameter ‘zig-zag’ bead along the length of the surface to be bonded. Where two impervious materials are to be bonded, apply EVO-STIK GRIPFILL™ as above, press firmly together and break the bond pulling away immediately ensuring good transfer has occurred. Wait for approximately 10 seconds and re-bond the two materials.

Uncured adhesive can be removed using EVO-STIK Gripfilth Wipes, after carefully scraping off the bulk. Cured adhesive can only be mechanically removed (i.e. by cutting, sanding, scraping).